Friday, May 29, 2020

target audience

I feel that since my magazine is about marine life, my audiences age wouldn't have a range. I feel that many people in different age groups would be interested inn marine life/science. I also think that any gender can take a look at my magazine. My magazine is gender neutral and anyone can read about marine wildlife. My magazine would most likely target an audience that is looking into marine science or anyone who is interested in getting into marine life. My magazine would attract these people by having vibrant colors and many different types of blues that catch the eye. The cover page would have many different colorful fish on the front that catches the eye when people are looking for magazines.

Friday, April 17, 2020


The Ocean of Life, by Callum Roberts, describes the role each one of us has to play when it comes to the environment and or ocean. Human activity is ruining our oceans and affecting marine wildlife.

Laguna Beach is a magazine that's describes the beach located in Orange County, Orlando. Naming the top activities to do when taking a summer vacation.

Monday, January 20, 2020


Mote Marine Wildlife
Close up of a turtle

Wide Shot of a clown fish

Two shot of two sea horses

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Magazine Genre Research 5

Title: World of Animals
Image result for animal magazines
This magazine, World of Animals, relates to the same genre I am trying to create. In the cover layout of this magazine, you can see there is a large image of an otter. Next to the image are different topic questions that make the author want to read more of the magazine. 

Magazine Genre Research 4

Title: National Wildlife
Image result for animal magazines
The magazine National Wildlife includes a porcupine in the cover layout. As you can see, at the bottom of the magazine, there is a joke used to relate to the cover picture. Underneath the picture of the porcupine it says, "Feeling The Pinch. Porcupines Face A Prickly Future." This makes readers want to read more.

Magazine Genre Research 3

Title: Animal Kingdom
Image result for animal magazines
This third magazine World of Animals Book of The Animal Kingdom represents many animals in the animal kingdom. As you can see, in this cover layout, there is a large picture of a black panther. Underneath the panther, there is a small row of other animals such as monkeys, sea creatures, and insects. This cover shows off the various types of animals in the animal kingdom.

Magazine Genre Research 2

Title: World's Most Endangered
Image result for animal endangerment magazine
This magazines cover layout relates to the same genre as I am trying to create. The layout of this cover includes different types of animals that are endangered. The layout includes a handful of different colors that make the magazine attract the readers. The articles include different sections for different animals and explain the worlds impact on these animals causing them to be endangered,