Thursday, October 31, 2019

Project Selection - Magazine

Some aspects of print journalism that interest me based on my experiences are seeing different perspectives of people. When I read magazines, I can visualize what I am reading. With journalism, I can focus on many perspectives of peoples point of views. In the television show The Newsroom, many different new channels have formed their own biased opinion on different topics. This shows how in journalism, you don't need to have the same opinion as anyone else. In class, I had read up on a home design magazine. The aspects of this magazine were full of vibrant colors and words that made the reader want to read more. Some skills I possess that I believe would make the magazine project a good fit for me would be my typing skills. Another skill I have for this project would be my editing skills and my ability to layout the design of the magazine. Editing skills would be a big part of the project because, when making a magazine, you would want yours to stand out from the rest of the magazines so people would want to read yours. Lastly, a good skill I that I have is excellent written communication skills. This project, however, might be a challenge for me because I have never made my own magazine.

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