Monday, November 4, 2019

Project Selection - My Decision

The project I have decided do is the magazine project. I think this project best fits me because I feel as though I am more creative when it comes to expressing my thoughts through text than speaking physically to a camera. I am passionate about taking photos as well. When making this magazine I will be doing some research on the best ways to construct the magazine. The main determining factors for my decision are because of my writing skills, which I think will suit me best. A brief description of my magazine would be that it is a comedy magazine. The magazine may include funny things that have occurred at our school, or may talk about peoples lives with people who attend Sarasota High School. I am hoping to work in a group or a partnership with Grayson from a different period. The skills he has that will make this magazine better are his humor, communicating skills, photography, and creativity.

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